A8F can't have 5.1 sound via optical connection


A8F can't have 5.1 sound via optical connection

Hello. I own a 55" a8f and I can't get 5.1 sound via optical connection to my receiver. Internal apps don't give multichannel sound whatever I do or settings I change. I get 5.1 only when using my Xbox one s as a player so  multichannel pass through works right. What I can do? Anyone have a solution? 


Accepted Solutions

Hello Dutchise


1) I have sound but only stereo

2) A Samsung soundbar hwh750(doesnt support multichanell audio alone)

3)Its an older philips model i dont even remember, all in one with dvd player.

4)The firmware is the last one before the oreo.

5)sound english/ 5.1


But...guess what.

I made it work.After ur question about arc i tried to play with it.So i figured out that when the connected device on arc is off,only stereo sound come out via optical!!!So the only i have to do is to turn on my soundbar which is connected on arc!!!!

Weird,crazy,but its working.I have multichanell audio without problems.

Please use this knowledge to help other people and inform Sony for this kind of weird incombatibility if doesnt already know.


View solution in original post


Do you have headphones plugged in to the audio jack?  This will override all other audio and act as default.. This was my issue with why I couldn't get 5.1 audio through optical out 


Hello pal.Thanks for your answer.No i havent plugged anything.


Hi @ParisShamrock,


First find and set the option below from the HOME screen.


  • [Home] > [Settings] > [Sound] > [Digital audio out] > [Auto 1]

Then open an app causing the issue (e.g. Netflix), find and set the options below as listed. Make sure you have disconnected the HDMI cable between the TV and AVR (if you have one) and also that you have set the [Speakers] to [Audio System] before starting to playback any content on the app.


  • [Action Menu] > [Sound] > [Advanced Settings] > [Common] > [Digital audio out volume] > [Max]
  • [Action Menu] > [Sound] > [Advanced Settings] > [Input related] > [Dolby Dynamic Range] > [Standard]
  • [Action Menu] > [Sound] > [Advanced Settings] > [Input related] > [Dolby Digital Plus output] > [Dolby Digital]

Proceed to playback content which is marked as having a multi-channel audio stream on the app.


If you still are not receiving a digital optical signal on your AVR then you will have to make sure that the optical cable is seated correctly on both ends and that the cable is not bent or damaged at any point.


Keep us posted!




Hello sir.I did what you told me and no nothing changed.Of course the optical cable is good an the connection working right cause as i said before i use my xbox one s as a player and  the tv passing through the signal from xbox to amp normal without problems.Only intenal apps dont.


Hi @ParisShamrock,


Please answer the questions below, as it helps us understand the scope better.


  1. Since when do you have this issue?
  2. Which internal app is causing the issue? If more than one, please list them all.
  3. Does the issue also happen when viewing digital broadcast channels with 5.1 Dolby Digital sound?
  4. Have you already tried to perform a Factory Data Reset on the TV? You can find instructions on how to perform a Factory Data Reset on your TV on this article.





IMPORTANT: Be aware that if you perform a factory reset, all of the TV's data and settings (Wi-Fi and wired network setting information, Google account and other login information, Google Play and other installed applications, etc.) will be erased, and the TV will return to how it was at the time of purchase.



Hello again.

1)From the very first minute i purchased the tv and this is the second set cause the first gone back to the store for uniformity issues as a doa(current panel isnt perfect either)

2)Youtube and Netflix, i dont use any other apps.

3)There isnt any tv channel here in Greece who broadcast 5.1 sound so i cant check that.

4)Yes i tried but nothing changed.


Hi @ParisShamrock,

Thanks for your clear answers. The native YouTube app on your AF8 TV does not support playback of 5.1 multi-channel videos. Devices that do support it are very rare. Luckily for you the YouTube app on your XBOX One S does support it. But don't expect the YouTube app on the TV to deliver surround sound.


I would like to ask you a few more questions.


  1. Do you have no sound at all? Or you do have sound but it is only not 5.1 multi-channel sound?
  2. What is currently connected to the TV HDMI ARC input?
  3. What is the brand and type of your AVR?
  4. What is the firmware version of your TV? Press the HELP button on the remote control to view this.
  5. When you playback a Netflix title with 5.1 audio, press the INFO button on your remote control. Then please post here the line that starts with "Audio:".

Post back your answers and we will take it from there.





Hello Dutchise


1) I have sound but only stereo

2) A Samsung soundbar hwh750(doesnt support multichanell audio alone)

3)Its an older philips model i dont even remember, all in one with dvd player.

4)The firmware is the last one before the oreo.

5)sound english/ 5.1


But...guess what.

I made it work.After ur question about arc i tried to play with it.So i figured out that when the connected device on arc is off,only stereo sound come out via optical!!!So the only i have to do is to turn on my soundbar which is connected on arc!!!!

Weird,crazy,but its working.I have multichanell audio without problems.

Please use this knowledge to help other people and inform Sony for this kind of weird incombatibility if doesnt already know.



Hi @ParisShamrock,


Thank you for taking time and sharing your solution. We greatly appreciate it since it helps many others in situations just like yourself.
