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Broken Sony A77 - Gutted :(

Broken Sony A77 - Gutted :(

I went out and used my A77 for the first time in a long time and when i came home to edit the pictures i was greeted with what the video shows above.

The camera won't write to the memory card or any memory card that i have. It won't format the card and just crashes and reboots. If i create an image database file it crashes and reboots. If i put in an old card with images and video on i get the same image corruption as before, it's definitely not corrupted images. If i take a card out and shoot to review an image in the one shot buffer it will just show a black image. If i try to take a video the screen go garbled where the video should be and crashes and reboots.

I have tried extensively to sort the problem out myself. Take all batteries out, try and reset the camera with the button combination (doesn't do anything), try and reflash the firmware but it's not recognised by the computer, leave batteries out for a day, try different SD name it i have done it. The problem is, because it's such a new camera no one knows anything about how to fix it. There is nothing else on the internet the same as my problem.

The camera is always well looked after. Not abused and chucked about. It looks brand spanking new still.

I need this camera sorted as soon as possible but Sony are just not playing ball at all and not being very helpful with my situation at all. I sold all my extensive Canon kit to buy this camera and accessories. I really bought into the sony brand and now they are not treating me with any decency at all regarding my issue. I had totally lost faith in Sony cameras. I can't have this happen again and this has happened at the worst possible time and i need to get it sorted asap. Buying a new camera of theirs and changing over from a competitor doesn't win any favours with them and I'm just any other schmuck. I need a camera for the next 2 weeks for work and they are being less than helpful in resolving this situation other than going through a lengthy repair process which is just not possible for me. I want a refund or a brand new camera asap. If i get a repaired item i shall be selling everything and going back to Canon. It's not acceptable for semi-pro camera to have a 6 week repair lead time. Take note, I have been very polite on the phone.

Message was edited by: Cloverne

Message was edited by: Cloverne