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XZ2 Compact Touchscreen Not Responding

XZ2 Compact Touchscreen Not Responding


I'm having a very bothersome issue with my Xperia XZ2 Compact at the moment. I can't seem to reliably recreate the issue, but very often the touchscreen will suddenly stop registering touches, as though it was disabled. The screen is still on and displays everything, but all touch input stops working. Hard buttons still work.

In order to "fix" it, I have to:
1. Hold power button to show power options menu.
2. Click power button to lock/turn off screen.
3. Unlock as normal using PIN or fingerprint.

This wouldn't be too bad if the problem wasn't so frequent, but it really gets in the way and disrupts what I'm trying to do at the time. The issue seems to occur more frequently while using YouTube, but is not limited to this app.

Things I have checked/tried:
1. The phone is updated to the latest Android 10 version available for this phone.

2. Ran touchscreen troubleshooting test using the Help section in Settings (no problems detected by test).
3. I completed a factory reset.
4. I rebooted in Safe Mode.

The issue persists after factory resetting and using Safe Mode. Can anyone suggest what I do next?

Many thanks,



Same problems here, and reading posts on forums, it seems to occurs with other Sony smartphones.

Is there something new about that ?

I tried every tips suggested : Updates, software repair, safe mode reboot, removing case, have a always clean screen, etc... nothing better.

As many users, the touchscreen stops WHILE i use it, without reason.

That's boring and i think about changing phone, but i have as idea that it is just "planned obsolescence" problem, so if there's no solution about that problem, and while i have doubt about planned obsolescence, i will not buy again Sony smartphone. But i would be pleased to change my mind solving that problem.

I never found the solution either. It's a shame because I loved that compact Sony. Brilliant speakers for music and nice display. I've now moved to Nokia which seems reliable so far.

Not applicable

At this point since I can see that you've tried everything guys including a software repair, maybe try to contact Sony and check if they have something to suggest, as you've tried all the obvious steps really.