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When watching movies, the occasional screen at the bottom of the screen will suddenly flash, which is a software problem? (Set the ultra-realistic display mode, image enhancement)
Just been sent a message from Vodafone saying they are waiting for parts to repair my phone 7 to 10 days I think this a joke putting new parts in a phone
@Kevin74 wrote:Iv have this problem to with my phone took it back to the Vodafone shop was just over the 28 days by 2 days so they would not replace it they sent it for repair that was yesterday I was very annoyed it will take 10 days they said gave me a phone on loan
Erm, it was stated two weeks ago it was software and is being fixed in an upcoming software update, wonder what Vodafone will fix?
If it is software why is it not happening to all xz premiums?
My xzp had same issue. I do believe is hw issue. I sent my xzp for servicing(7 days). 3 days since collection. So far the problem didn't appear on my new lcd. They replaced lcd and battery for my phone. So far so good. Hope this info can help you guys.
Since Vodafone took my phone to get repaired iam being told they have to order parts won't have phone back till 10th if august its a joke
I also noticed this problem in MX player.
Well after 5 and half weeks I got my phone back repair centre ordered new parts to put in it but then they said phone was faulty so I got a replacement Sony xz premium