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i am having some messaging problems, there are some other threds on the problem. but they seem to have been ignored by sony support for some reason... maybe becasue they cant figure it out so they are saying "screw them, they already bought the phone.. MWAHAHAHAH".... right?
my app just crashes.. doesnt work at all.. makes my whole phone crash requiring a full reset.. ive tried everything, and im down to having to use 3rd party app.
but thats not even it, the phone overheats like crazy. for no reason! and when it overheats it slows the phone to a crawl, if it wants to work at all! i havent even finished paying off the phone and its already the biggest pile of garbage ive ever spen 500$
the phone is NOT worth the money i have spent on it... not even paid off and im going to buy a different phone. even my crapy note 4 ran better for longer then this phone...