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Data usage bug - Android OS supposedly using data

Data usage bug - Android OS supposedly using data

I'm not sure if it's the best section to report the issue, as I have experienced the issue on both XZ Premium and Xperia X, but I couldn't really find a more suitable section to post about it. moderators are more than welcome to move the thread if necessary.

for some reason, Android OS shows up in Settings > Data usage > Cellular data usage, but it makes things not add up. consider this screenshot of my data usage for the past month:

2017 Sep 05 13-08-04.png

the value at the top of the screen says 2.52 GB has been used, which is correct according to my carrier information. but if you start adding the values showed on the list, you'll see that it actually doesn't add up. to make things less complicated, I treat 1 GB as 1000 MB in the calculations despite it being 1024 MB of course.

1460 (Android OS) + 836 (Chrome) + 827 (removed apps) + 206 (Snapchat) = 2500 MB ≈ 2.5 GB

as you can see, just first 4 positions on the list added up to the reported total data used! if you'll add all the numbers visible on the screenshot, you'll get 3045.84 MB, so more or less 500 MB more than the total value on top of the screen.

but wait, I haven't captured the whole list of apps using data on my phone, as it's too long. I went through the trouble of going to the end of it and adding all values, and the result is 3104 MB, so about 600 MB more than what's shown on the top of the screen. for the record, I haven't been using WiFi tethering in the past month.

I also have to add, back when I was using Xperia X, the difference would often be more drastic, and close to the amount of data supposedly used by "Android OS" listing - which means that if I didn't include it in calculations, the value obtained by summing up the data usage breakdown list would pretty much match the total value on the top of the screen with some tiny margin of error. that's what led me to believe that the Android OS listing is reporting some not fully correct values.