Share your experience!
1. Wi-Fi - Drops off alot on a variety of network types. 5Ghz, 2Ghz and I've tried resetting the routers I can.
2. when battery is low, typing is really laggy and misses loads of letters when I type fast. For a phone with good processor's and the price of the thing this shouldn't be an issue.
3. My screen sometimes flickers between really bright and slightly darker, and this happens on all apps, and in safe mode and with auto brightness switched on and off, and all the screen settings on/off.
It only happens every so often, but obviously when I have to restart my "Premium" phone in front of people to stop the screen going wild its a bit embarrassing.
4. Heat. This phone gets really hot whilst charging, whilst watching a video, whilst browsing the web and pretty much anything else I do with it.
5. Screen rotation is hit and miss. I have to lock my screen and unlock it again to get it to work 1/3 times. Again, not brilliant.
6. battery life is not brilliant at all. 1 hour of web surfing is eating around 20/25% of my battery unless I turn my brightness all the way down.
I've already had 1 exchange on this device due to my 1st model freezing whilst unlocking the screen for a while. I exchanged within my 30days for a fresh model, and even convinced my friend to buy one herself, and she is experiencing the typing & heat issue.
I am slightly worried about sticking with this device because I'm coming up on 90 days where I can swap the device completely for another one, and I want someone to give me some advice.
Clearly you have hit a batch of lemons. Try a factory reset, exchange it again, or go to something else. I have no issues with mine that I have had since pre-order days.
Yeah I pre-ordered as well such a shame. I was looking forward to this phone so much.
2. when Stamina mode kicks in, the CPU gets downclocked in order to save as much battery as possible, hence stuttering. if you don't like it, you can go to Settings - Battery - Stamina mode and either change Stamina level to performance preferred, or completely disable it.
3. does it happen in full sunlight? perhaps it's a feature called Assertive Display changing screen contrast?
4. I can't say I experience that. have you tried booting to safe mode and checking if the phone still heats up when browsing web or watching videos? /t5/FAQ/How-to-boot-your-phone-into-safe-mode/td-p/348008
6. battery life depends on various factors, like whether you use mobile data or WiFi, or signal reception. I get a bit worse battery life on mobile data, as I'm usually in places with poor reception.