Windows takes ages to load...

Windows takes ages to load...

Hi everyone.

Can anyone tell me why it takes so long for Windows to load on my Vaio? I bought it for my daughter as a present but I'm wondering if I've done the right thing...

It takes about 5 or 6 minutes to load Windows which to me seems ages. Does anyone have any ideas or is this in fact normal for this type of laptop. Model number is  VPCYB3V1E/S.

Thanks all


Hi eddien4 and welcome.

No this is not normal.  Have you run a full anti-virus scan?

Unfortunately, this problem can be caused by lots of things and can depend on what software has been installed.

The most usual cause, other than a virus infection, is that the Vaio is searching for links to software, services or drivers that no longer exist, have been moved or not fully uninstalled.

A software/driver conflict is another possibility as is a heavily fragmented hard drive or the system paging large amounts of data to the hard drive.

Two suggestions: -

1. Download a 30 day free trial of a Registry cleaning program to remove any incomplete or broken links.  Run the utility to remove junk files.  I would leave the hard drive defragmentation for now as this may take a long time to run on such a large hard disc.  I am reluctant to recommend software of this sort as it can occasionally cause problems but I use System Mechanic.

Alternatively, try a lightweight, free cleaner like CCleaner: -

2.Back up the files and data on the Vaio and restore the system back to factory settings using the Recovery Guide here: -

You will have to set it up again from new but this gives you an opportunity to load software one at a time and see if one particular program is causing the issue.


Is this a new model? Sometimes, the older the model, the longer it loads depending on how many years you have used your Vaio. Though I agree that it is not normal at all.

Hi Blencogo and warriorfulllight

Thanks very much for the helpful responses - I tried a restore as its new (only had it a few days) and the problem has been there from the outset . I was a bit reluctant , partly cos I'm not an expert and partly cos its new, to run new software in case I make the problem worse. According to my antivirus its clean (I should hope so, given that it is new!) I've now been given a helpline number by the company I bought it from which I'm going to try and see where we go from there. I'll let you and everyone know how I get on .

Again, thanks for the swift reply
