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VGC-RT2SY Vista Crashes Relentlessly

VGC-RT2SY Vista Crashes Relentlessly

I've had it a year - it's always been a pain and I've been back to factory settings 3 times! Now it just keeps freezing and it's unusable. I've tried clearing rubbish, emptying 'start' menu and system restore without success - I don't want to wipe the disc for the 4th time - help?


Have you looked in Event Viewer to see what system errors are showing?

Do you get a blue screen when it crashes?  If so what is the error message on that screen?  Any other error messages? What are you doing when it crashes? Intense processor activity?

We need a bit more to go on.


I bought my VGC RT2SY last January, 2010.  I have had every version of windows with every new PC (starting with 3:1), this is my WORST PC, it crashes on regular basis (my laptop fine & running Vista 32bit).

I received a windows 7 upgrade with the purchase from Sony.   I upgraded to cure the crashes as assumed it was the dreaded Vista, but I still get them, they do not seem to be related to any specific task, sometimes the PC is fine when I leave the study, on other occasions I find it has crashed out & restarted (yes it does the whole blue screen thing which I haven't experienced since Windows 95).  Sometimes I think it is possible an update has caused one or two crashes BUT I do believe it is the fact that it is 64bit that is the problem.  Most software is written for 32bit systems, my guess is that there may be a problem with this particular processor.

More PC's are now on sale running on the 64bit system but perhaps they have a different type of processor!

I have a couple of weeks left before my 1 year warranty expires but despite the fact that the Windows 7 upgrade was part of the package I have to return it to Vista as apparently Sony will not provide support with the upgraded windows!

My two previous desktops have been Sony, my laptop is Sony, my daughters previous PC was Sony (plus Sony laptop), my husbands laptop is Sony BUT I think that my next Desktop will either be an Apple or an HP machine because this PC has been nothing but trouble & it cost a lot of money & I see no cure for the problem.

I bought my Sony VGC-RT2SY one year ago and could have written your experience word for word. I have had over 100 blue screens, often several per day, each with a different code to the previous one.

1A - Memory Management

     - Pool Header Failure

    -  Page Fault in Non-Paged Area

18 -  Reference by Pointer

3B - System Service Exception

     - An attempt was made to write to read only memory

0F - Spin Lock already owned

C1 - Special Pool Detected Memory Corruption

D3 - The Driver Mistakenly Marked a Part of it's image pageable instead of non-pageable

0A - IRQ not less or equal

3D - Interrupt exception not handled

9F - Driver power state failure

50 - Page Fault in Non-Paged Area

     - Bad Pool Caller

I too changed to Windows 7 in the mistaken belief that it was Vista that was causing the problem, but it made no difference as the random failures continued.

I returned the computer to Sony, two weeks ago. They did a factory re-install, but it has made no difference as most of the BSOD events have recurred and also the following error messages have been shown on screen:

Windows Explorer has stopped working

Superfetch has stopped working

The selected application could not be loaded because the application is missing or corrupt.

COM Surrogate has stopped working and was closed

Desktop Window Manager has stopped working

Marketing Tools has stopped working

Windows Installer Module has stopped working

Host process for Windows Services has stopped working

Bluetooth Tray Application has stopped working

Microsoft Indexer has stopped working

The Runtime Terminated in an unusual way

Bad Pool Caller


I have run several disk and memory checks, but without finding a problem.

I too have been back to the factory settings many times.

Any feedback or suggestions gratefully received.