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USB device not recognised


USB device not recognised

ok, following on from my 1st post. I formatted my HD on the pocket vaio.Since doing this i have reinstalled the software and the updates [in the order stated on this webpage].

The problem seems to be that for some reason a usb driver isnt being installed.
The driver for the mass storage is present and working as i can access it via I: drive on my pc.
But when i try and run vaio music transfer i have a message on windows tool bar saying that a USB device is not recognised.
When i click this message it shows me a location : USB Root Hub [3 ports] and then has a yellow lightning graphic in whichever port i have the usb cable plugged into. I then have a look in device manager under USB and there are NO yellow lightnings signalling unrecognised device. I look on my software disk supplied with VAIO for drivers , and in the XP folder there is nothing. The thing is , after my 1st install the VIAO music transfer worked.It was only since formatting the VAIO HD and subsequent software reinstallation that it has stopped working.Do i have set anything on the VAIO after doing a HD format? What do the "initialize rating" and "initialize setting" functions do? If anyone can point me in the right direction i would be really gratefull! Thanks :thinking:


right i have discovered what the initilization functions do but have read that if you format the HD with NTFS you are unable to play music on the unit. What is NTFS?.Have i lost critical files on the hd after using the format function of the VAIO?.

The only reason i formatted the HDD is because i cant get sonicstage to work on my pc.Otherwise i wouldnt be in this mess.

How can sony release a piece of software like sonicstage which is so obviously riddled with incompatibility problems

I feel ripped off.

Thanks Sony


Hi there.

I'm afraid i can't help you with your problem but if you click here there's a web site which will explain everything you wanted to know about NTFS.


I am in the same mess you are.
I think i deleted some files system or criticals files as you, but i did it because i didn't use Sonicstage or Music transfer.
However i can't use it .
If anybody knows how to repair this, could tell us?


Ok, if you've deleted your system files off the vaio then you need to reinstall them,

If you've formatted your hard drive using NTFS then go back and re-format it but don't select NTFS, then go back and re-install the firmware as per above.

As for the device not recognised issue, are you using a USB hub? If so have you tried without it and what OS are you? Oh and reformatting your PV hard drive won't affect Sonicstage not working on your pc.



Good News

in addition to the problems above i started to get a sql.server error message.All pretty annoying really.Anyway...

I decided that after exhausting most possibilities for this incompatability issue, there was nothing left but to back my critical files and format my pc.It was a last resort.I had a hunch that another piece of software i had previously installed was clashing with the sonic stage/viao transfer software.I previously owned a creative labs nomad mp3 player and used a music management program with it, so that could be the culprit and i also own a JVC camcorder and the drivers for this [which also create a removeable HD on pc] may have been problematic . Add windows service pack 2 also to the list of potential problems. OK...after setting up win XP again with a clean HD.I installed the sSony Software - which worked! Hurrah!
I have since installed windows service pack 2 - and it still works wahoo!. I havent tried the JVC camcorder drivers yet , but after each new installation i will see if sonicstage etc still works.So far so good.

Mind you is it excusable for sony to release software that made me have to format my pc to be able to run it?and that no other 3rd party software is available?

I hope this maybe useful info to anyone else who may have had the same probs as me :slight_smile: