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SP2, Bluetooth and Active Sync 3.8


SP2, Bluetooth and Active Sync 3.8

Hello Sony-Experts,
I really hope you can help me. I always synced my iPAQ 4150 without problems with my Dell Latitude D800 via Bluetooth. The D800 used the Widcomm-Stack.

Now I have this litte S2HP here with SP2 on board and - as told in the documentation - BT for wireless sync of my handheld device with ActiveSync.

So far, so good, no problem. Should work. But doesn't. I added my PDA as a new device, inserted the key and the BT software installed two com-Ports (6 and 7). Great, because AS only uses ports lower than 10. Well, I can sync one time, stop synchronisation, resync again, as long as I don't turn off the BT-module on the Vaio. If done so and reactivated, AS doesn't recgnize the COM-Ports again, although they are available as the BT-Software tells me. Both devices find each other, but AS won't let me sync any more.

Are there any known solutions?`I'd be very thankful.

Greetz so far,