Problem with Windows 7 on a Vaio VGN-SR29VN


Problem with Windows 7 on a Vaio VGN-SR29VN

Hello everybody
My problem is that when i installed Windows 7 Ultimate on my Vaio the installation was partially successful .
Windows worked fine but every Vaio function didn't worked at all. No Vaio Update no Vaio Control center no med buttons etc...
I tried to download vaio Update and although it was installed fine there was no updates for my notebook.
I logged on Vaio's support page and i found several updates but i think that none of them worked correctly.
Any suggestions ?
Please help.



Hi george-k.

It would have been easier to UPGRADE to Windows 7 and you would have kept your software and settings.

If you have made a clean install, you need to install everything here: -



I had to do a clean install of Windows 7 Home and not an upgrade (as I previously had Windows Vista Business). I have followed the links on this post and installed everything I could get as suggested. However I have a number of problems outstanding.

1. The buttons at the top of the keyboard - mode, settings and those imbetween - no longer work
2. I have installed the Protector Suite QL software and a driver for the fingerprint scanner (which says it is working) but I have been unable to link the two so Protector Suite QL recognises the fingerprint scanner for log in.
3. I seem to have lost the Vaio control centre utility which most importantly enabled me to control the sensitivity on the mousepad/touchpad and hence prevent the cursor inadvertently shooting all over the screen when I accidentally touch it with my thumb. I have been unable to find a substitute in the W7 control panel for the mouse.

Any suggestions on how to solve these issues would be gratefully received?



I also installed 7 Ultimate fresh, after having removed Vista.  I found that I had to install the SONY bloatware in a particular order in order for it to load correctly on boot.  I think the order was the following:



NSU Floating UI (LAN Utility.exe)

ISB Manager (ISBMgr.exe)

VM Swith (VMSwitch.exe)


I didn't install any of the other SONY bloatware apps ...