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Just wanted to say how disappointed I am with my Sony Vaio Laptop

Just wanted to say how disappointed I am with my Sony Vaio Laptop

I have a Sony VAIO Laptop, VPCY11M1E which was brought from Currys in May 2010.  It has just stopped booting a couple of months after the warranty has ran out, and has to be sent back to be fixed.   Now if I had been using this laptop all day everyday for the last year then fair enough, but it has hardly been used, on average a couple of hours a week!  When you pay top price for a product from a top name you expect it to be fit for purpose, which this laptop is obviously not.  I have always brought Sony products and have never been so disappointed in them.


I am sorry to hear of your problem with your Y-Series Vaio.

Whether your disappointment is justified or not will depend on what the problem is and I would wait until you get a diagnosis before making a judgement.

The most common cause of your problem is a damaged hard drive or corrupted data on the drive.  This could be caused by a manufacturing fault or it could have received an accidental knock.  Either way, the component is not manufactured by Sony and is the same drive used by many computer manufacturers in the marketplace.

Equally, you could be right and it could be another cause that is down to Sony's manufacturing.  All I am saying is wait and see what the fault is before deciding.
