I would call Sony about this but I usually get home too late to call them and I can't get to a phone during the day:
I've got a PCV-RS222, which is an Athlon xp 2800+ (Barton though it doesn't say on the website). The Vaio system information program, and the microsoft system properties window are both indicating the processor to be running at 2133mhz. The Athlon website however advertises the 2800+ as running at 2083mhz, with the 3000+ at 2167mhz, meaning Sony have technically overclocked my pc to nearly 3000+ performance.
Also, on www.sony.co.uk the rs222 is advertised as having a 333mhz bus and coming with pc2700 ram, while on www.vaio.sony-europe.com its down as having 266mhz bus with pc2100 ram. Does anyone out there know which its supposed to have as I seem to have got the lower spec one.
One guy I asked about this suggested I let hell loose on sony for not fulfilling contract and demanding the pc2700 ram but this seems a 'bit' ott. Have I been short changed or am i being paranoid? Any suggestions pleeaaaassssee