Hello there Sony Community
I would like to ask if it is possible to remove a regsitered product from one account and register it to a different one?
In my case, I some how ended up with two SONY accounts, one with just my VAIO regsitered and the other with my PlayStation products on them.
I'm looking to move the VAIO from the older account to my newer one with the PlayStation products registered to it. This is more for organising everything to one account than anything.
I have noticed the 'remove from list' link at the bottom right of the registered VAIO product but do not want to do anything just yet until I have confirmation that this 're-registering' is possible and wont screw up currenlty registered products.
Any response is greatly appreciated.
(By the way, if this is in the wrong forum section then I'm sorry, I didn't see anywhere else this thread might fit)