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kd55xg8196 - infobar keeps popping up and audio delay


kd55xg8196 - infobar keeps popping up and audio delay

I've tried several threads here, but there doesn't seem to be any answer. I have 2 problems.


1. The infobar keeps popping up saying HDMI1, or whatever, all the time. There are solutions saying I should go into settings, then channel, infobar and switch it off, but I don't have that option. I presume the tv model I have doesn't have this option for whatever reason. Also, there's an audio delay every time I put on youtube, netflix, Disney+, etc.


I've never been so frustated with a tv in my life. WE always have to pause or rewind it as we miss the first few seconds of whatever we're watching. I mean, all it has to do is show audio and video. ThInking of selling and getting something else, unless this can be resolved.


My TV is a Sony Bravia kd55xg8196 and I have a Sky Q box plugged in via HDMI. Just to let you know what my set up is.

Community Team

Hi polrugby,


-1- the info banner isn't available on the menu to turn off, but Sony are working on it.

-2-Does the audio delay happen on the apps from the TV? Or from an external device?

Are you using a sound system? What software version is your TV on?