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Forum Blog ; [Educational ] Is Sony Listening to our TV Android Concerns

Forum Blog ; [Educational ] Is Sony Listening to our TV Android Concerns

To start on a positive note ; The good thing is with anything android is that Android is an open source Operating system and thus is relatively easier ( than competitors offerings) to develop and  update 

I would like to take the chance to instill some faith in the TV 

On this note I would like everyone who has purchased a SOny Smart/ Android TV to relax and breath deeply . I have heard a lot of bad reviews and comments regarding the Sony Android experience , which I feel is unjust 


I have personally had experience with other Smart TV platforms Tinzen , Web OS  ect .  The big difference here is that the other major competitors here use proprietary operating systems , 'what does this mean ?' I hear you ask 


For example  the proprietary 'Web OS ' platform has a small group ( dwindling )  of developers and only those developers will have the intricate knowlege of that operating system  .  . however Android on the other hand has developers all over the globe and is a very open and welcoming platform , many compaines use it , so there are more developers and more knowlege on this operating system .  can you count how many versions of Android have been  written vs Web OS /Tinzen 


I am literally stunned by the picture quality and the rich features and above all its potential features and am exited about what is in the pipeline 

 I am very glad I have purchased and choosing to stick with it . While  Android is less user friendly than the others , Android has a serious potential when it comes to functions , literally anything is possible 


What does concerns me is that the development team may/may not be listening and efficiently  deciphering to what issues we are facing 


In my experience  leading tech companies usually highly value user feedback as it helps identify demand , user needs and features required for technology to come . In fact many softwares are developed by feedback of testers and end users . So if we all chip in and make use of the set , then  in theory there will be more improvements/fixes down the line 


I dont hold much hope that Sony will release much information regarding future updates and fixes , however I believe we all should have faith in the TV and report concerns , knowing that Sony are more than capable of resolving them 

I do hope Sony will do a good job with improvement and tweaks down the line , it was a Fantastic decision to go Android  and not proprietary 


Disclaimer : I am not a Sony representative , I do however come from a Tech support role at a manufacturing firm and would like to share my perception ,  some knowledge and experience


 I will be posting my found bugs  concerns  ideas and tweaks  in the forums where hopefully Sony will be listening  



Not applicable

Hi there


Even though Sony may not read every post on these forums, they do take an active interest on current issues or ' hot topics'.  They may not respond, but everyones concerns about the current issues with the tvs are being heard - even though addressing them is on the slow side.


Sony does not release a proper timetable for future releases, simply because if they miss the deadline they get slammed :slight_smile:


If there are major issues, one of the forum specialists/experts/moderators normally flags it with Sony for attention.



Thanks for your reply 


I suggest a specialists/experts/moderators/ developer makes a sticky threads here for : 


1. Bugs

2. Development Requests


Otherwise threads start going off on tangents