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Contrast - brightness issues after udating to Android 9

Contrast - brightness issues after udating to Android 9



I own an XF8096 Sony Android TV model. On Android 8 i always had some classic issues regarding the advanced contrast enhancer, especially on HDR content and subtitle-on-brightness-pops-up-subtitle-off-brightnes-pops-out-especially-on-dark-scenes. I'd found a solution turning ACE on Medium and turn to grey every single subtitle setting on any app.


But, 2 weeks ago Android 9 update kicked in... And we are back to ground zero. Or -1 to be honest. Now, contrast and brightness annoyingly change in nearly every scene change, in any input, in any app (internal or not) and even in TV mode, in which i never had problems before, and in content without subtitles at all. It's like the TV cannot process in time the contrast alteration and modification between the scenes, making visible the process for a second in nearly every scene change. The best thing is that even with Advanced Contrast Enhancer switched to off, the issue insists, although in minor degree.


I tried several things, cleared the internal cache, restarted the TV several times, unplugged it, reset to factory settings... Obviously light indicator is always off. 


Is Sony aware of these problems? Advanced Contrast Enhancer is a nice feature and especially using it on High in HDR content make things a bit better ('cos HDR content in XF8096 seems more greyish than Gandalf). Telling customers not to use that feature because is broken is not a solution.


I am waiting for an official reply.






I'll raise this issue to our engineers. However, can you please also raise a ticket to support?


Regarding settings I clearly recommend to turn on the light sensor since it improves viewing experience dramatically.


