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I just bought Sony Bravia KD-49XE9005 i been messing around a lot with the settings but i`m wondering if anyone have any suggestions on the best way to do your settings on the TV for PS4 gaming experience and so on other then the game mode ?


Thanks in advance


Personally I configured two modes for my PS4: Game and Graphics (I think. The one after the Game Mode). Both should have the lowest input lag for gaming.


Also, at least in my XD80, I have found out that only a couple of settings really affects the objective quality of the picture. Which are:


  • Contrast: 72-73 in HDR - You may use 80 in SDR
  • Brightness: 15-20

For contrast if you have FF XV you can tune it in the game's brightness options. Both Cactuars must show. Also I use the LG NASA video. Looking at the bright side of the moon, contrast values higher of 72-73 start to lose bright details.


Instead I have to keep brightness low, especially in HDR, because otherwise I get an annoying glooming effect in some scenes. It doesn;t remove it completely, but a low brightness helps a lot.


Then I usually have Black at 50 (the default), Gamma 0, Colour 60, High Contrast Max, Bright Colours Max. I have seen that in SDR the cactuars in FFXV do not appear changing the Black "regulation" (? I am not sure in English) different from "No". But apart from this last one they are all subjective, depending on your taste. Ah, I use Warm colour temperature. Many say to use Expert 1 but personally I don't like it, not with the PS4 at least. It gets too yellow. Sometimes it works better with movies, though (but not with YouTube videos/UHD demos. It gets quite ugly IMO).


Obviously the XE90 has a quite different (and better) display, so those values probably will be different. And it also depends on what you like.


Also be sure in the tv, in the HDMI settings  you set the HDMI advanced to make use of the HDR, like in this picture (It's in Italian but it should still be clear enough):


Bravia_HDMI Advanced.png


Oh, and the PS4 must be connected on either HDMI 2 or HDMI 3. Otherwise no HDR. And disable the motion flow, it's totally useless and sometime also ugly with its soap opera effects.

Thank you big time for the nice response, ill be sure to try your suggestions out as soon as i get off from work and post up :slight_smile: Still if anyone else got other suggestions please keep the post going. Thank you