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Hi, I have a Sony a580 DSLR and I'm using a Sigma 70-300 lens. It judders when I turn the camera on and off.
Although it seems to work ok in between. Any ideas why?
Hello Jo - Welcome to the Sony Forums
When you say 'judder', do you mean a brief vibration or shake? If so, this is a normal part of the camera that gives a brief vibration to the sensor to remove dust and keep it clean. If it starts occuring during normal use, this may indicate a problem.
Hi Simon
This is not a normal vibration. It has only recently started doing it with this lens and it's a definite noisy juddering.
As though the motor has got stuck. But just on start up and shutdown.
Hello again
Thanks for the further information. If the noise doesn't sound like a normal mechanical movement within the camera then there may well be an internal fault. If it is only happening with this particular lens then this may have isolated the problem and the best course of action will depend upon how long you have owned the lens i.e. if it is less than a year, it may be covered the the lens manufacturers warranty (Sigma).