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Dołącz teraz - stań się częścią naszej społeczności!

Seconds in the rain

There is nothing in life like true friendship and the joy it brings even in the rainiest of weathers!

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There is nothing in life like true friendship and the joy it brings even in the rainiest of weathers!

This winner was selected as this month's winner.

This is the explanation Paolo gave us for his choice:


E' un'immagine con una grande energia. La composizione è semplice, ed efficace.

Si percepisce la gioia del momento, la dinamicità del movimento, così come si percepisce molto bene la pioggia, che è l'altro elemento fondamentale dello scatto.

Nel complesso una foto tecnicamente corretta, scattata con il giusto tempismo per trasmettere correttamente l'emozione osservata.


An image with a great energy. The composition is simple, and effective.

You can feel the joy of the moment, the momentum of the movement, as well as you can feel the rain, which is the other key element of the shot.

Overall a technically correct photo, taken with the right timing to convey the observed emotion.


Kindest regards,


Super shot, wonderful timing.